Tea & Bread

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Tea and muffin

Hello, my lovelies! It’s been a while, and I am back to write about the inspiration behind my blog’s name: Tea! And yes… bread because, guess what? Tea and bread is the perfect meal (albeit a quick meal) when you do not want a full serving but still crave something to fill you up, at least until dinner time.

I have been meaning to write a post about my favorite teas, and finally, fast-forward a few years later 🙂 and here I am, with enough time off to indulge in one of my favorite subjects. I don’t know about you, dear reader, but I have an enormous stash of tea all over my home. I have tea in the kitchen cupboard, I have more tea on top of my dining table, and more in a special container I bought to store my lovely teas.

I will go from the least favorite to my number one favorite.

PG tips:

I was able to find this tea at my local supermarket. I had wanted to taste this brand for a while and find out how it tastes. It is not a terrible tea; it is just bland, at least for my taste. I still have the box with the tea bags, as I did not finish it. I usually leave the ones I do not like much for an emergency, meaning when I run out of my favorite tea and while I am waiting for it to be delivered.

Taylors of Harrogate Irish Breakfast Tea:

Eh, not so good. It is strong, but I found it bitter. Another one on my “use in case I run out of my fave” stash.

Tetley black tea.

One of the better know teas here in the USA. It is a good cuppa, not too strong, but enough that you can enjoy a cup of tea.

HT Harney and Sons Fine Teas, Earl Gray black tea with Bergamot:

A lovely tea, one you can drink without the added milk. It is kind of aromatic; I only drink it once in a while; it smells a bit like perfume (to me) due to the bergamot leaves.


This one used to be my tea of choice. It is definitely a lovely cuppa! You can have it with sarnies, scones, or any other type of sweet bread or biscuits. So what took its place?

Yorkshire Tea:

This is one great tea; it is consistently good each time I have a cuppa. There is the red label, which is a bit stronger black tea of their brand (I think), then there is the Decaf – (blue label) which is lovely, I can drink a cup of this tea a couple hours before bed, and it will not make me lose sleep.

Yorkshire Gold: One of my top favorite teas, it is smooth and strong but not overly so, it goes perfectly with meals, and it can be had without creamer.

Paned Gymreig (Welsh Brew) by Murroughs:

A lucky and happy find for me. While I was placing an order online for my usual tea, I saw it and decided to try it. I do not regret it. It is a beautiful tea; it is not too black after it is steeped, it has a lovely flavor, and it goes better without creamer. It is smooth, and I always think of it as my golden tea. Last but not least….so exciting!:)

Make Mine a Builders tea:

This is my number one favorite tea; it is exquisite. It is black, strong, but yet, not bitter. It is an excellent “tea time” tea ( and I mean the time when you have your dinner) or for breakfast. I love their boxes. It has funny stuff about how strong their tea is etc. Makes me smile every time I read it. It can be had with or without creamer; I just don’t drink it at night, as this one will definitely keep me awake.

My favorite bread to have tea with:

Favorite Meal with my tea:

And of course…Tea time!

So there you have it! I hope, dear reader, that you will find a new favorite on my list.♥

Until I write again,


End of Summer, Almost.

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Hello, my lovely readers! How are you today? On this weekend day, enjoying your day at home, not doing anything. Knowing that you have earned your rest.

As we all know, we are still in the dreaded summer season (yes, I dislike it very much!), but the good thing is that it has started to wane. Ever since the Summer solstice, the sun slowly but surely starts to lose its grip on summer (waning), and slowly but surely, the twilight of evenings starts to go back to the usual time (depending on where you live). Although I cannot deny summer has its rewards. Like my balcony, potted plants and flowers become more lush and vibrant. Although some of them suffer and their leaves are burnt. I have to be careful and move around to strategic places so that does not happen to all of them.

During the summer season, I usually don’t strain myself with new projects or even baking. But this year has been different. Due to my new dietary needs, I must cook and bake everything I eat. And since I need to add variety to my meals, I have baked and baked! This is because I was trying to find good recipes that would be my go-to every time I wanted to eat something in particular. Since gluten-free baked goods are very different from just regular baking, it takes a lot of experimentation (at least for me, it did) to get to the ones I want to keep. I break it down to Pizza, which I make once in a while as it is a lot of work. But I need to have one good recipe. I do like Pizza. Just not every week. Scones are my mainstay for some weekends, especially Sundays. Muffins, eh, once in a while, and cakes are birthdays and special celebrations, so not as many times to be baked. Cookies are for cravings. Heh..heh. I have finally found a favorite recipe for each of the foods I mentioned! Yey! So now I know how it works. I have finally found my gluten-free baked staples; I am not baking. Which is great! I am waiting for the seasons to change and the days to be cold.

The pizza recipe is from my favorite blogger and gluten-free expert, Sandra, from Fun Without Gluten. My sons are not gluten-free fans, but this recipe was a hit with my youngest. He is my official taster for gluten-free foods, and he deemed it delicious, so yeah, pretty good find. If you want to try any of her recipes, here is the link: https://funwithoutgluten.com/gluten-free-pizza/

The round loaves I made it up with an old recipe I have that is gluten. I just converted it to gluten-free, and they came out ok. Only made them once. Not a fan of loaves, per se, but I was experimenting. The lovely muffins come from a recipe in a gluten-free cooking book I bought online. I won’t mention the name of the cookbook just to say that their gluten-free recipes are not all good. But, the muffins were one of the few I could make that was palatable. The taste was excellent, though. In another cookbook, I did find a recipe for cookies that were so good! But I did not take pics. That is because they were eaten fast!

The flavor is wow! These I will make once in a blue moon as they can be fattening! And that is counterproductive for me. The name of that book is: Baked to Perfection by Katarina Cermelj. (all gluten-free goodies) I like this book because she gives you a lot of information on how she arrived at a recipe, and it has a bunch of pics that help to visualize how to make something, etc. The page number for the cookies is 158, in case you want to try them. Lots of recipes, but I have not tried all and not planning to. It would be too much! But lots of recipes to choose from.

I also have a yummy recipe for scones. If you would like to check out the pic and the link to the recipe, here is the link to my previous post: https://cozyteacup.wordpress.com/2022/05/07/one-step-at-a-time/

And I did find two excellent recipes for sandwich bread. After baking a lot of fails, I found two recipes, one from the Fun Without Gluten blog and another from an online blog, which is an oatmeal loaf recipe. https://glutenfreerecipebox.com/gluten-free-oat-bread-machine-recipe-gf-setting/. Both are delicious and have become part of my gluten-free recipe binder. There are two versions on the same page for the GF oat bread. One for the bread machine and one for the oven. Also, when I made it, I did some swaps or did not add it to the recipe. For example, I do not use xanthan gum. Since the recipe already had a flaxseed meal, that was perfect. (Flaxseed meal acts as a binder).

It might seem as if I have been living in my tiny kitchen… to which I say, more or less. I was getting fed up with the whole baking thing. But, I like to organize myself ahead of time. So, now I have all the recipes I need. And the whole baking thing is over for now.

Now it is only a matter of waiting for the unwanted summer season to end. Can’t wait for that. In the meantime, I have given myself another project. Crocheting a sweater. Yes! I know! Weird projects for Summer. Who wants to touch yarn when it’s sweltering outside, right? But here I am, crocheting away. I do love crochet if truth be told. So it was a no-brainer for me.

Well, my lovely readers, it is time to say “adieu,” at least for now. I hope wherever you find yourself, you are keeping cool♥

Until I write again,


“Crocheting is a bit like being a magician, you mumble to yourself and waggle a stick around, and no one else has a clue how you did it”

One Step at a Time

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Dear readers, how lovely it is to come over and have a little “natter” with you! I hope that whoever reads this post finds themselves healthy and strong. Hopefully, you have your feet up and a cuppa tea at hand, coffee, or whatever you like drinking on a Saturday afternoon.

As always, I give it a think before I blog. Things happened. Where to begin? I don’t want it to be a boring post, of yet again “another person with a new malady *sigh!” but yeah… it sort of it is. Although it is not a “new” per se malady, and if you have read my posts before, you know it will have humor in it. Without further ado and like my grandma used to say, “Let me start at the beginning.”

It was a lovely day for November, as the weather had changed (suddenly as usual). My son and I went over to one of my favorite stores. That day was a bit weird. I had woken up feeling a bit woozy-headed. I put it down to lack of sleep. Although I had slept about 8 solid hours. “Odd,” I thought. When we returned, I got the worst cramps in my gastrointestinal region; I panicked horribly as I had no idea what was happening. I got dizzy, my blood pressure went down, and I passed out a bit. All of these symptoms were new to me. My youngest panicked, my oldest was not here, and bless him, he missed the drama! My middle son goes into silent mode when nervous. Hell broke loose at home. The next thing I know, my youngest is shaking me, saying “mom” repeatedly, I realized I had fainted. For a bit. First time in my life. This was the weekend before Thanksgiving. Oh no!

But me, being in the dark and while I waited to see my doctor, I ate as was my want a bit of everything I cooked on that day. And then, on the weekend following Thanksgiving, I ate leftover pumpkin pie and even pizza. Oof! And then! my intestines went haywire. I kept trying to see the doctor before the appt. given to me. But to no avail. I only received 2 doctor’s calls. What good did they do? Zero! My next alternative was to go to the emergency room. What for? And why? It was not an emergency. So I did one of the things I am good at, I researched the heck out of my symptoms. So much contradictory information! I was in a sea of confusion, trying to ascertain, was it Diverticulitis I had or IBS? Or even worst (whatever the worst region encompasses, it does not bear to think about).

One of my boys advised me to just look for medical journal blogs. I did as he suggested. I got more worried. And so, my journey into uncharted territory began.

It’s been 5 months, 2 weeks, and a minute. But who’s counting. Well, me. At the onset of that discovery, I learned that some foods are off-limits (which is most of what I like), and some others are ok, but in moderation. So I stopped eating gluten-rich foods (like the glorious glutenous pizza:( ) and have to be content with gluten-free versions. Because really, who chooses to just one day be gluten-free just for the heck of it? I tell you who…no one!

Needless to say, it is an extraordinarily lonely experience. Those of you who read this, if you have IBS, you know how lonely it is. Not being able to go to restaurants, because what will you eat in the name of all that is holy? Everything out “there” is “bad” because everything has onion and garlic! I got furious at the very beginning. At what, I don’t know. Life, I guess. I am not particularly religious. Then I got sad, really, really sad. I would cry on my own, in my room. Not wanting to worry my boys even more. I was finally! able to see a doctor at the very beginning of this year (yeah, that long I waited). And guess what? The first thing without asking me, the doctor requested a colonoscopy, a word that was foreign to me. I asked her, and she explained. And I said, hmm…Let me get back to you.

Doctors hate that we humble patients go and do our own research on medical terms or illnesses. So what! I did look it up more. Then I called cousins and aunts. Asking if anybody had problems with colon cancer in the family? “nope,” they said. Called the doctor and said. Thank you, but no, thank you! I found out there are other methods. Gentler methods.

And then I had an epiphany. That I could take control of whatever was ailing me. I had done most of the “legwork” sort of speak as the doctor did not help. Truth. I finally became disciplined with what I eat, creating a journal. I would write down everything I was eating. From the biggest to the smallest. That way, I could pinpoint what gave me what I came to call “episodes” (sounds like the victorian times, does it not? “Oh don’t bother m’lady! -in low tones- she is having one of her episodes”…:)) I said as much to my boys to make them laugh. They looked all done from worry, and the last thing I want is for them to be worried. So I did the best thing I could. I used humor. Because laughter is excellent medicine.

I kept exercising. Drinking water. Reading as much as I could about IBS. I learned (through personal experience) that some things are ok to eat one day, but the next time it might send you to the “powder” room in an instant. So I read some more about why that is the case. Finally, in one of my blood tests results (yes, there were more), my doctor turned to me and said ( with a look of someone very wise), “I think what you have is IBS; the test results show me enough that I can see is nothing else.” In my head, I was like, “Wow!! Really!!! blood results told you something I knew already and kept hammering to you each time I came over for more blood tests?!” Ugh!

I also got gluten-free savvy (heh..) and bought several grain flours. I love baking, and that is one thing that I was not ready to give up. In the beginning, I would measure each time I baked something. Being a newbie in gluten-free baking, I did not know I could make up big batches and just place them in containers like my regular gluten flour (which I still use once in a while). So now I do. I bought books about Gluten-Free baking and recipes. I subscribed to three excellent blogs about gluten-free baking and eating.

Presently I am still learning to navigate this uncharted territory, and I learn something new each day. Little by little I am making headway. What is most important in all of this is that I learned acceptance. Accept that, it is what I live with now. IBS is a silent condition; many people think it is not a “serious” condition. Or that it is all in your head. Will it ever go away? I don’t know, but I live in hope. As long as I am smart about how I eat. I have stopped writing a day-to-day account of what I eat by now. I don’t have much of a variety at the moment. I avoid the trigger foods and eat what has become a staple diet. My next step is going through the low FODMAP elimination diet (under the supervision of a registered dietitian) to find out what exactly is a trigger and what I can keep eating (keep your fingers crossed, I want to eat choccie biscuits again!).

What is important to understand about IBS is that it is a unique experience for each person that lives with it. What works for some, might not work for me and vice-versa. I do feel that it is a matter of healing the gut through a healthy diet, and exercising. I found out that for me Yoga works wonders. But I still do my regular exercise routine and walk. I also meditate. It helps me tremendously. I want to add that this post is not to give medical advice as I am not a doctor. Rather is a way of maybe helping someone have their own epiphany, shedding light into the dark tunnel one feels at the onset, and letting people know, who might suffer from IBS that you are not alone.

As to my own journey, I had even stopped paying attention to my lovely balcony garden. I had stopped enjoying my tea time! What? Unheard of! So now, I make a point (darn it, but I do) or being in the moment. Of enjoying the little moments in which I drink my tea while sitting facing my balcony. I feel grateful and blessed and aware that life is precious. Ok, so maybe now I am being melodramatic, lol! sorry. (I have the gravest suspicion that in another life I was a drama stage actress or a seamstress for a famous stage actress (I am handy with my sewing machine) or the lady in waiting of a famous victorian actress…) But I digress. I do want to close this post with this thought; the trick is in how we raise to the occasion of new challenges. We must keep forging ahead. ♥

Until I write again,


I want to share this yummy recipe I was lucky to find in the blog of a lovely lady. I am enclosing the link to her blog. https://funwithoutgluten.com/gluten-free-british-scones/

These are lovely scones. Crusty on the outside and soft on the inside. Pure heaven! Especially since I thought I would never have tea with scones ever again! 🙂

Passing the Time

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Hello! My lovely readers, I have missed you so much! I have been away exactly one year, three months, and nine days! (but who’s counting?) it feels like an eternity. I hope whoever is now starting a good read (i.e., this post:) find themselves in excellent and robust health. What a year! Need I go into it? I think not; we were all there. One of those globally cosmic, universal happening that has affected everyone. Whether directly or indirectly. We are all changed, and it has left an indelible mark on us.

I lost my desire to write there for a while. I would doodle some notes, think about themes to write about, but then I would feel that my blogs were inconsequential. Big things were happening in life for everyone. Serious stuff that was hard to believe, and surviving those dark days was a necessity. It left us feeling as if we went through a war of sorts. Now finally, the light has already started to sip back in. Life continues, and slowly we rise.
On the subject of writing, I have something to share. One day, not long ago, I was looking for one of my favorite blogs to read. And when I could not find it, for that one minute, I panicked. Wondering whether the author of the site was fine, did she succumb to the dreaded virus? Was she OK? Oh my! But then I found an email notice letting us readers know that she had moved “house” with a link to her new blog. So hooray! she was OK after all. As so am I, just in case you are panicking, hah!

And, here I am, planning on picking up where I last left. I have a few ideas on what to write about, and thankfully some time off at the moment. Summer is in full blast on our side of the pond. There have been changes to my small potted balcony “garden.” New ones have arrived, and some of my oldest plants sadly did die out. My love for tea has tripled (if possible) and my tea stash needs to be shared. Too many teas!
But, that is a story for my next blog. In the meantime, welcome again to this little corner of mine. Where you can come over, take a breather, and relax while you read on.
Until next time!

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
Albert Einstein


Hello my Lovelies!

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Catchy title eh? But how are you, my lovely reader? Are you like “Moi” and trillion others who are happy to welcome the Spring season? Or are you one of those very strange. (kidding!) people, that love the Summer season and can’t wait for it?  I have conducted a personal study (serious face) about how many really like the Summer season. From 10 people only one, one! mind you, was all for the Summer. (Fact!) (Although I have to say, it was only a small group… friends and relatives).

So having said that, I am back! At least for now. Perhaps you wonder, why do I come and go at odd times? Why do I abandon this lovely forum? Why do I go away and leave you in despair of a good read? Ok, maybe not the last part. I know there are oodles of good content blogs out there. But it makes me feel all warm and cozy inside thinking that my blog is liked and missed!

So what is new? Well, to begin with, if you have read my saga about my journey of weight-loss I have news about that. I have lost to date 39 lbs. Although I was not super-duper overweight, I was overweight, you get me? I was size 10. I thought myself chubby at the worst. But my, hmm..”lovely” doctor (sticking out tongue) disabused me of that notion. While arranging his glasses (which still looked crooked but I was not about to tell him) told me in no uncertain terms that I was indeed in need of losing all the extra weight, the baby weight, and the weight that had no name! *I exaggerate. A bit* and that I needed to immediately lose it or face an uncertain world of medical issues, starting with having trouble lacing my tennis shoes to sweating buckets when trying to zip my pants and! the serious stuff, of course.

So with that incredible uplifting (rolls eyes) pep talk I set myself on the road of good eating, exercising and avoiding all the food that made me happy, i.e. Ice cream, muffins, pancakes, french toast, waffles, white potatoes, even bananas! really! I barked at bananas and left bananas in place. I mean is not like I eat bucketfuls of bananas. By the way, I read somewhere that people can indeed die from eating bananas. Like a boat full of course, is this true? And who the heck is going to eat that much?   There are so many junk “facts” on the internet, who knows!

Am I hedging talking about the obvious? The white elephant in the room sort of speak? The time of quarantine we are living in, of saying hello with a wave, while standing “6 feet” apart and being afraid of even sneezing in front of people, even though it’s just a “dust sneeze?” For fear of people thinking you are infected and need to get the hell out of their presence? Yes, I confess I am. Why bore you with what everyone is talking about, daily. You cannot even check your smartphone without being bombarded by notifications of covid-19, and don’t let me start on the madness of going to the store to buy even one loaf of bread! And please, don’t get me wrong. I do understand the seriousness of the situation. But I also understand that the majority are giving in to fear and that we are losing our personal perspective of life.

So I won’t start and I won’t talk about it. Life continues, we have other matters to have us occupied, like keep on working, keep our minds clear, our home peaceful and most importantly keep our sense of humor, our love for each other strong and faith even stronger. That everything passes, that life continues and no matter how much we might worry, there is nothing really we can do, but hope that these times pass and that we are doing the best we can to maintain calm, keep on being decent human beings and good to each other. Let’s not forget that. For that is important.

Until I write again my lovelies,
